As a manager of a financial institution, you have many responsibilities to carry out. This requires lots of knowledge along with the experience to perform these functions efficiently. It requires deep and trusted resources and that’s where Valuetec can truly be an independent and valued resource for you.
We specialize in bank equipment and bank equipment maintenance. Our five areas of focus are
- Electronic Security (alarm systems and monitoring, state-of-the-art video surveillance, access control, electronic locks).
- Physical Security (safes, vaults, safe deposit boxes, depositories, locks, portals).
- Remote Banking (drive-up systems, drawers, 2-way video)
- ATMs – New and Refurbished (island, lobby, drive-up, walk-up, imaging, outsourcing, interactive teller and NBS machines)
- Currency and coin processing equipment
Because we have a wealth of experience, we have a condensed knowledge base that is a very deep and free resource to our customers. We also take pride in the fact that we are NOT a manufacturer that tries to push one brand of product or any for that matter. We are an ”independent” that services all brands of bank equipment which gives us the capability of recommending the best and most reliable equipment made. As an “independent” we can provide a multitude of brands and models based upon your needs.
What really sets us apart from others is our ability to accommodate and flex to meet your needs. Our personalized service, caring attitude and exceptional responsiveness is evidenced quickly. Customers have fast access to ownership 24/7. The Valuetec team is one that you will find to be very ethical, and we would be honored to serve you.
“Well done is better than well said.” – Ben Franklin